The Game of Golf – links poetry at its best

Time for more levity…came across the poem on the Fred and Cathy radio blog on Clear FM. Not sure if I have the author right, but I think it is from Tom Galloway. Anyway…it’s so perfect for those who love golf!


In my hand I hold a ball….white and dimpled, rather small….
Oh , how bland it does appear….this harmless looking little sphere….

By its size I could not guess….the awesome strength it does possess….
But since I fell beneath its spell….I’ve wandered through the fires of hell. .. .

My life has not been quite the same….Since I chose to play this stupid game….
It rules my mind for hours on end…A fortune it has made me spend….

It has made me swear and yell and cry… .I hate myself and want to die….
It promises a thing called par….If I can hit it straight and far.. .

To master such a tiny ball ….should not be very hard at all .
But my desires the ball refuses….and does exactly like it chooses… .

It hooks and slices, dribbles and dies….and disappears before my eyes….
Often it will take a whim….to hit a tree or take a swim. ..

With miles of grass on which to land….it finds a tiny patch of sand….
Then has me offering up my soul….if only it would find the hole.. ..

It’s made me whimper like a pup. ..and swear that I will give it up….
And take a drink to ease my sorrow….but the ball knows I’ll be back tomorrow!!!!

Pamper yourself on Maui! Book your little piece of heaven in golfers’ paradise. Book now at and tell them Golfgal sent you!

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  1. Hello, just played the Club Championship at my home course the last two days and I can confirm that this poem applies.

    Have a good one!

  2. You and your readers may be interested in a new blog that takes as its primary focus the links between golf and poetry. The blog is called GOLF COURSE OF RHYMES. Most of the poetry was written by English, Scottish and American golfers before 1930. For the most part, the blog mixes golf related history and poetry. I would be pleased if you would have a look.

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