Alliss is a dinosaur but it is his candour that faces extinction

Don’t you just love the bluntness of the British media? I have to say that when looking for golf stories, I always head to the UK papers first.

One…they actually write their own stories (unlike most North American papers that just take an Associated Press feed and add their own cutsy titles), and

Two…they say what they think and stand by it even when under attack.

Makes reading the golf news so much more fun.

As much as I am a golf fanatic and watch The Golf Channel daily, I am disappointed that the commentators aren’t allowed to say anything slightly edgey. For example, I can’t see Nick Faldo using the word “choke” on TV or say that a player’s swing would make Ben Hogan puke. Gotta love Johnny Miller!

Anyway, thought you’d enjoy this story if you’ve been following the blow up at Wentworth between Nick Dougherty and Alliss.

I think this is great stuff. I just wish more newspapers hired golf writers who say what they think. Actually, I’d just like to see newspapers hire golf writers period.


Alliss is a dinosaur but it is his candour that faces extinction
The Guardian
29 May 2008

Minds were made up long ago in golf’s great culture war, an unbridgeable divide in which anyone who came to the game after Tiger Woods graduated from high school to the history books is relevant and modern and anyone who was around before the great man…read more…

Tech Tags: The Guardian newspaper Sport

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  1. Gee, I thought I was the only one that scanned the Brit papers. Alliss is great. Even without the perfect golf accent he’d be up there. His analysis and past references keep the game in perspective. Then game has a storied. long, and rich history. Golf didn’t begin with Tiger. Miller can be overbearing with his detailed analysis of every pro golfers swing flaws. He makes them from watching a monitor about a 1/2 mile from the action. Still, he can be refreshing on the rare occasion.

    My favorite golf commentary quote was from Renton Laidlaw during a Euro Tour event once when he said a player had executed a “brave little chip shot”.

    Best, Bob

  2. Bob, I couldn’t agree with you more. Renton is by far my favorite commentator, especially when he razzes Monty – all in good fun, because we all love Monty, but it’s just so funny when Renton does it!
    Thanks for your comments – always entertaining!

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