Back in April, I did a post on GFW (which is sadly no more) about Golf Channel’s “Top 10 Sexiest Golfers”. I’ve resurrected it here because it seems so appropriate now that Camilo Villegas has proven that he’s not just another pretty face/body anymore.
There is a saying that marketing people like me use when we’re forced to put lipstick on a pig “It’s better to look good than to be good.” Such is NOT the case with CV.
I’m so glad I ended my post the way I did all those months ago (don’t cheat and jump to the bottom :))…
Here’s that post…
I wonder who picked the winners and what criteria did they use for choosing the top 10 sexiest golfers?
There were some that were “no contest” winners and others that did not rock my boat at all. Perhaps it was because they tried to do the Top 10 with golfers from both sexes and 30 years difference in ages. I don’t think that worked.
But in case you missed it…here’s the mixed bag of winners…
Just like People Magazine does their “hot lists” each year (where Camilo Villegas made the list of hottest bachelors in 2006), The Golf Channel should do Top 10’s one year at a time. First, it gives them a show to do every year that people will “wait for” AND it puts the players in the same space in terms of their looks, game, age, fitness, etc.
Seeing Greg Norman as number 9 bugged me just a bit. If this were the 80’s, he’d be number 1 for sure. I completely agree with Stina…His broad shoulders, skiny waist, Australian “savage” accent and Crocodile Dundee persona come together in a package that can’t be beat. In his day, Greg Norman was number 1. But today? Well, for women my age, he’s still a hunk. But ask a 20 year old, and they might say, sadly, “Greg Who?”
Don’t get me wrong….I did enjoy the show and some of my favorites made the list, like Freddie Couples and Adam Scott. But still…they are not even in the same generation. I don’t think they should be in the same list. And putting them in with Sophie Sandolo seemed completely out of wack to me. Sure she’s got some nude calendars that on the surface are sexy (I guess), but sex appeal is more than skin deep. The whole package has to be there and we don’t even know her (although we will in a few weeks when the Big Break airs). I’m not at all convinced Sophie deserves to be in this list, but I’ll hold judgement until after the Big Break is over.
Paula Creamer, who was on the cutting room floor IS the whole package IMHO – beautiful, talented, great personality, stylish, confident and dare I say…modest? I would vote for her over the “skin girls” Sophie and Natalie any day of the week.
Sophie and Natalie are the result of great marketing, but something’s missing for me. Okay okay…I’m not a guy, but if Adam Scott is sexiest male golfer, and he looks like the guy you’d bring home to meet dad – a pretty wholesome guy (no tight pants and tops like Sergio), why didn’t girl-next-door Paula make the list?
BTW…did you see Mr. McNab’s comment on the Golf Channel website about Natalie…“Unless your into leathery sun baked skin, and wrinkled knarlly hands. Seeing Gulbis in the gym without make-up was a frightning site.” Yikes…if she looks bad, I need a paper bag over my entire body in my gym. Sorry, Mr. McNab, but anyone who works out in the gym is sexy to me.
Anyway, by throwing men and women from 20 to over 50 in the same bag this year, I think the Golf Channel missed out on a great opportunity for an “annual event” they could really play up and market.
And in case you were wondering…hands down, the sexiest golfer in my opinion is Spiderman, Camilo Villegas. He’s enough to give a woman hot flashes at any age. Tiger’s great and yes sexy, but he doesn’t have the effect Villegas has on women. If I ran into Camilo in person, I’d probably feel like the wicked witch of the west….”I’m melting…I’m melting…!!!!“
Um yea, totally hottie.
So true, Paula is the sexiest woman on the lpga, the total package, im gobsmacked she is not there!
Michelle Wie can grip my 3 wood anytime !
Camilo is so freakin sexy. Look at his muscles. When he gets down it gets even hotter. He’s perfect, He even speaks perfect english. I just wish he would get more coverage on tv. He’s without a doubt the sexiest man in Golf and one of the sexiest athletes as well.