Highway 18 Episode 8: From Immunity to Elimination

Four remaining teams went from swamp to swank tonight on Highway 18, except for one team that went from swamp to quicksand.

If you had been asked before the show who you thought would be elminated, I doubt very much that you would have predicted Raul and Jameica. Twice they gained immunity and then BAM!… all at once, they’re gone. Amazing…

The episode began with teams racing in airboats on Lake Okeechobee, followed by a round of “croquet golf” at the ultra-exclusive Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach. I was thinking of booking my next golf round there, but darn, it’s private. I guess I’ll save my pennies and play at Trump International Golf Club (yeah, right!).

Does Donald Trump have too much money or what!

Anyway, back to the show…

Tonight I had a chance to chat with Charlotte right after the show to get her perspective on what appeared to be her hardest show to date. It certainly was an emotional day for her, especially given the behind-the-scenes penalities she was awarded and seeing her friends Raul and Jameica come so close to beating her and Rob…but not quite…

Then you have the Ash’s…flying so high after last week’s come back. With their attitudes (or altitudes) right now, anything is possible.

First Ashleigh K…

Now Little Miss Trouble…

Rob, the eternal optimist didn’t disappoint this week either…
Jameica was very gracious today and spoke about that disappointing day and her challenges at Trump Challenge. She had a few things to say about the drama as well…
Finally, we get to hear from Raul, who shares more insights on the day and some pretty good analysis of the team dynamics. He also shows us what true friendship is all about.
There’s a saying that “It’s better to be lucky than good.” and some may think that tonight’s show gives credibility to that. But maybe the cliche that applies is “Looks can be deceiving”.

Certainly Ashleigh and Ashley come across as the underdogs, but they seem to be able to pull off the clutch shots when they need them. Can they make it to the end? Well, we heard from Ashley that next week will be “awesome”. Hmmm, wonder what awesome means?
What would shock you on Highway 18 after what you’ve seen to date? Who’s next to leave OR get a strike?
I’ll be adding the rest of the interviews on Wed and Thurs, so stay tuned…


Pamper yourself on Maui! Book your little piece of heaven in golfers’ paradise. Book now at http://www.vrbo.com/424659 and tell them Golfgal sent you!

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One comment

  1. Watched the episode and was so suprised to see Raul and Jameica got eliminated. Rob and Charlotte were very lucky to still be in it.

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