Perseverance – the power of the Pink Panther

I just spent the day playing 18 holes of golf in the great up north (Canada), where the wind chill factor was below the freezing mark.

When we drove away from the clubhouse, the snow was blowing sideways.

I was sooooo cccccoooollllldddd!

How cold was I, you ask? I was so cold that when I said to my playing partners “Good shot!”, it came out as “Oood Thot”. My mouth no longer worked.

So what happened to my game? About what you’d expect….I couldn’t turn my body to hit a drive because my body was frozen. I couldn’t putt because I couldn’t feel my fingers, let alone, my clubs. I was “Two Gloves Gainey” all day, but it didn’t help. I was blowing into my fists more often than I was blinking.

My score reflected my discomfort, but in the end…I didn’t care, because it didn’t matter. I was golfing in March in Canada!

But, honestly… my game really really sucked! 🙂

When I got home and thawed myself out in a hot bath and cosy fire, I read that Paula Creamer was leading the HSBC Women’s Champions even though there is a darn good chance she had food poisoning. It made me happy because I love the Pink Panther, but it also made look back on my day of “making excuses” and realized, there is no excuse!

I’d take cold over nausea ANY time! Yet my chilly game suffered today – her “where can I throw up w/o camera’s filming” game didn’t. How is that possible?

Well, it just shows to go ya, that these ladies rock! They can perform under dire straits and come up on top. Wow! I’m not only impressed, I’m ashamed because I sucked playing a “friendly game of golf” because my ears, nose, mouth, hands and tootsies weren’t toasty enough.

Tomorrow, they’re calling for snow flurries and a high of 35. Balmy! I should get out there and play. If Paula can perform through potential food poisoning, I can handle a little frost bite!

Thanks Paula! You’ve taught me perseverence! Now, if you could just teach me how to putt when I really want to puke – I’d be eternally grateful. 😉


Creamer and Park enjoy midway edge

Bangkok Post
07 Mar 2009

SINGAPORE: Americans Paula Creamer and Jane Park edged into a narrow one shot lead on a jampacked leaderboard after the second round of the HSBC Women’s Champions yesterday. The ailing Creamer, still feeling sick from a virus as she searches for her…read more…

Tech Tags: Bangkok Post newspaper Sports
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