Blue Falcon fills in during Maui Madness

Hey Big Break Fans!
Hope everyone enjoyed episode 6 this week.  I am embarrassed to say I haven’t seen it yet.  I’ve been in Maui getting my condo ready for renting out to vacationers and the construction folks who did my new tile work killed all the cabling to the TVs when they buried them, and I’m still waiting for an electrician to fix the problem.  Sigh…

And although I’m going through BB withdrawal, it’s not so bad; my view isn’t hard to look at while I wait 😉

Until I get back into Reality TV land, I am very pleased to provide you with an insightful look at the contestants as of Episode 5, provided by guest blogger, Blue Falcon.  You may remember his analysis of Lili and Carling’s shootout at BB Sandals in 2010. 

Blue Falcon’s Analyis of Big Break Atlantis Contestants from “Batten Down the Hatches”

Anya Alvarez.:  Lost her Immunity Challenge tic-tac-toe match to Gloriana Soto.

That, however, is not the talking point of this episode for Ms. Alvarez.  While at sixes & sevens after missing a pitch shot in the second stage of the IC, Anya slammed her 56’ wedge against her left instep, bending it beyond repair and making her a huge favourite among the folks at Adams Golf.  She did gain 3 pts on her 2nd shot of 2nd stage but missed her 3rd and cashed out her points to avoid Elimination Challenge. 

Score: 3.

Natalia Ghilzon:  My pick to win.

Shocked at breakfast to discover that she and her friend Kelly Villareal would have to play one hole of golf to avoid being sent directly to elimination.  Natalia beat Kelly to keep herself alive for a while. Lost her IC match to guest Big Break alum Gerina (Mendoza) Piller.  Recovered in 2nd stage of IC with a great first shot, but flubbed her final 2 shots in challenge.  Had lead thru 2 stages of Elimination Challenge, but it all went pear shaped when Natalia sent her tee shot on the final stage to Davy Jones Locker.   Sadly, there won’t be a 2nd Canadian winner in the last three Big Break’s.  And even worse for me, I look like a fool. (Not for the first time!)

Score: 3.

Selanee Henderson:  Has taken over Mallory Blackwelder’s torch as the Eliminator.

Selanee has gained some much needed confidence and her game is showing it.  Had Marcela Leon on the ropes in tic-tac-toe, but couldn’t deliver the TKO — brother Dan will be so disappointed — but came back strong with a 6 pt showing to avoid elimination.  Her arrow is definitely pointing upward. 

Score: 8

Marcela Leon:  Missed a shot in tic-tac-toe-a shocking development!

But rallied back to win when Selanee couldn’t close the deal.  Picked up 7 pts in 2nd stage of IC, but for the first time this season, didn’t win immunity outright.  She’s certainly right now the favourite, but she did show this episode that she’s human.I also must praise Marcela’s attitude. She is gracious in victory and defeat  and she is clearly grateful for the opportunity to do something she loves and shows great enthusiasm.  A lot of people, myself included, could learn from her example.

Score: 9.

Allison Micheletti:  Lost to Christina in tic-tac-toe.

But Natalia handed Allison her magic wand from last week, which Allison used to great effect  in second stage of Avis Extra Effort Immunity Challenge to score 8 pts and win immunity. Her stock is on the rise. 

Score: 9.

Gloriana Soto:  Started well-beating Anya in their tic-tac-toe match.

But the wheels came off Glo’s little red wagon a bit after that. Did make 2 pts to stave off going to elimination, but she is playing a bit of a dangerous game. 

Score : 6.

Kelly Villareal:  The cracks in her armor from last episode are beginning to widen.

Lost to Natalia to head straight to EC.  If not for Natalia’s poor shot on 3rd shot of EC, Kelly would be the one heading home.  Needs to pick it up if she’s going to win.

Score: 3.

Thanks Blue Falcon!  Lover your analogies.

Looking forward to seeing this week’s show and chatting with Anya and Natalia.  Should be interesting to hear what Natalia’s view is given this is the first time she saw the day’s events.

Back soon!

Pamper yourself on Maui! Book your little piece of heaven in golfers’ paradise. Book now at and tell them Golfgal sent you!

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