A 155 foot Yacht …
A 16,500 square foot palace in Dubai…and now…a “modest” 10,000 square foot home in Florida…to replace:
Modest…yeah…that’s Tiger alright – Mr. Modesty 🙂
What next? How about a Gulfstream B550 jet – only $59.5M – a steal!
Am I jealous? Actually, as hard as it is to believe…I’m not. Give me a 1,200 square foot 2 bedroom condo on the water in the most beautiful city in the world (Vancouver) and I’m a happy camper (make that golfgal). Okay…maybe I’m jealous of his golf game, but not of his money and fame.
I have a wonderful life and I get to look at this everyday…
And I get all the privacy in the world. Now, the only thing I wish is the freedom to play golf everyday. But other than that…I have it all!
When I see the “cost of wealth”, I say…”Nope…not for me”. I bet Elin can’t step out of her home without body guards and paparazzi chasing her down the street. Calling your mega yacht “Privacy” doesn’t make it so.
If this makes Tiger and Elin happy, then great, I’m happy for them – as long as they planted (or replanted) lots of trees when they bulldozed the place. I’d hate to think one of my fave golfers wasn’t “green”. We have a hard enough time justifying golf courses in this climate conscious world (I still struggle a bit with that…but that’s another post…)
Tiger Woods razes estate to build new mega- home’
The Vancouver Sun
21 Nov 2007
NEW YORK — Two years after buying a $ 46- million Florida waterfront estate, Tiger Woods has bulldozed virtually everything to make way for an executive “ mega- home.” Woods, the world’s highest earning sportsman, snapped up 10 immaculately appointed… read more…