Yoga. Never been a big fan of it. Tried it a few times when I was much younger and discovered that what looks really easy, is actually hard. And I fell over a lot!
Give me some free weights, elastics and a treadmill and I’m fine. Putting me in a room with a bunch of tight young bodies sweating for a hour in stifling heat is like sitting me on the tracks of an oncoming train. My heart races, I panic and my survival instincts yell, “Run for your life!”.
But I recently discovered that I was wrong. Wow, did I say that out loud? 😉
Yoga is the 15th club I need to add to my golf bag, if I want to improve all aspects of my game.
What turned me around you ask?
Katherine Roberts, founder and owner of Yoga for Golfers and FlexFit.
I was introduced to Katherine by my friend (and many of yours), Brian Allman — past owner of Sweet Spot Golf (I still love my sweet 3 and 4 hybrids) and founder of a new social network for kids, Skidekids.
I discovered after talking with Katherine that my fear, uncertainty and doubt about yoga is not uncommon. But if you give it a chance, you will find that the benefits of yoga for your golf game far outweigh your apprehensions.
Check out my interview with Katherine to learn how yoga can improve your golf game and help lower your handicap.
If you want to learn more about Katherine’s Yoga for Golfers online programs and classes, as well as her upcoming YFG teacher training certification on the Sunshine Coast, July 12 – 15, check out her website.
I’m off to dust off my yoga mat!